Thursday, December 27, 2007

French and indian war - Thoughts from the editor

French and indian war- I simply cant get over the amount of battle content in this remarkable newspaper. Its an issue the fortunate purchaser will read over and over, like I did. This is truly the French and Indian War come alive! This battle, part of the French and Indian War, was fought on July 9, 1755, near Fort Duquesne, now the city of Pittsburgh. The twenty-three-year-old officer went on to become the commander in chief of the Continental Army and the first Most people think of the French and Indian war as a struggle between insanely aggressive Indians and victimized settlers who were clumsily supported by the British. Quite the opposite of being a side show war of little significance, The French and Indian War is one of the most interesting conflicts that America has ever been involved in. Here in Schuylkill County we had a few interesting incidents during the course of the war from 1758-1764 period. If the kiddies start coming together, they may grow up and decide to move out. Who was on what side in the French and Indian war? French and Indians. Vs. British and Americans. What were some causes of the French and Indian war? The French and Indian War. The Prelude to War The last war, The War of Austrian Succession ( known in America as King George's War ) began in 1740 and ended with The Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1748. France fared quite well at the French and Indian War. 2007.10.24. Today was one of the days that my ears were naturaly attracted to the words of Mr. Armstrong. As I stepped into the classroom, I found that the desk arrangements were different from any other kinds we To go along with the Group Spotlight, it looks like 2008 is going to be a big year for French and Indian War reenactors with the 250th F&I War Commemoration. Although this isn't totally a reenactor driven series commemoration,

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