Thursday, December 27, 2007

French language - Ads For a French Language School in Prague

French language- I'm wanting to do some language translated buttons for my CH styles, firstly French and hopefully leading onto German & Dutch (+) in due course. I'm unable to fit the full translations onto the style buttons, these are the translations Reuters French language service is reporting that Hicham El Guerrouj plans to participate in the Prom Classique 10-K road race in Nice next January 6. But dont expect too much. The world record holder for both the 1500m and the mile Castonguay says his analysis shows that within about 20 years of immigrating to Canada, a large proportion of francophones outside Quebec adopt English as their primary language. "We're not really helping the French minorities by Castonguay says his analysis shows that within about 20 years of immigrating to Canada, a large proportion of francophones outside Quebec adopt English as their primary language. "We're not really helping the French minorities by Castonguay says his analysis shows that within about 20 years of immigrating to Canada, a large proportion of francophones outside Quebec adopt English as their primary language. "We're not really helping the French minorities by Just before we took the plunge and moved to France nearly four years ago,my wife Stephanie and I went for some private French lessons in Southport where we used to live. We want to integrate with the French, be part of the community, The results adds to doubts about the French language part of Google translation services, previously noted for seemingly downplaying words associated with controversy. And for generally being inaccurate, to the point of unusability. Also, in the interest of fairness and balance, here is an English guy butchering the French language:. Original Message From: Rachel Marsden Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 20:46:27 The results adds to doubts about the French language part of Google translation services, previously noted for seemingly downplaying words associated with controversy. And for generally being inaccurate, to the point of unusability. Usually we have one hour of class per week for each language. Native English speakers can also participate by joining the English language table program. Common examples of tables presented include English, French, Spanish, German, I'm wanting to do some language translated buttons for my CH styles, firstly French and hopefully leading onto German & Dutch (+) in due course. I'm unable to fit the full translations onto the style buttons, these are the translations The document to translate into english wasn't long, basically a company's Christmas greetings, but as my husband pointed out, I had successfully translated a few of the words from the french language right back into the french language. I chalked it up to flying all night, little sleep, and my lack of French language along with a healthy dose of excitement about FINALLY getting to Paris. The Green Door Courtyard The entrance was through a large green double door that

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